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Right of withdrawal
You can cancel your contract declaration within one month without giving reasons in writing (eg letter, fax, e-mail) or - if the goods before the deadline - also by returning the goods. The time limit begins after receipt of this notification in writing, but not before receipt of the goods by the recipient (in case of recurring deliveries of similar goods not before receipt of the first partial delivery) and also does not fulfill our obligations under Article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 paragraph 1 and 2 EGBGB and our obligations under § 312g paragraph 1 sentence 1 BGB in conjunction with Article 246 § 3 EGBGB. The timely dispatch of the revocation or the goods is sufficient to comply with the revocation period. The revocation is to be addressed to:
Color Crew GmbH
Georg Birk Straße 15 80797 Munich
Phone +49 89 90119911
fax +49 89 90119922
Consequences of withdrawal
In the event of an effective revocation, the services received by both parties are to be returned and any benefits derived (e.g. interest) surrendered. If you are not able to return or surrender the received services and benefits (e.g. advantages of use) or only partially or in a deteriorated condition, you must compensate us for the value. You do not have to pay compensation for any deterioration caused by the intended use of the goods. You only have to pay compensation for the value of the goods if you have used the goods in a way that goes beyond the examination of the properties and functionality. By "testing the properties and functionality" we mean the testing and trying out of the respective goods, as is possible and usual in a retail shop. Items that can be shipped as a parcel are to be returned at our risk. You have to bear the regular costs of the return shipment if the delivered goods correspond to the ordered goods. Obligations to refund payments must be fulfilled within 30 days. The period begins for you with the dispatch of your declaration of revocation or the goods, for us with their receipt.
End of the revocation instruction
This right does not apply to distance contracts for the delivery of goods which are manufactured according to customer specifications or clearly tailored to personal needs or which are not suitable for return due to their nature or which can spoil quickly or whose expiration date would be exceeded.

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